Tazama na Tunza Dispensary

Tazama na Tunza Dispensary

The lack of any good trustworthy health facilities for the local community around Dodoma has been very noticeable for many years. Because this has been such a major issue in the churches and community, we agreed to work in partnership to build a Health Centre. So, from 2014-2018 as a charity we worked with the Capital Christian Centre and Pastor Zephaniah Mkuyu, to build a Health Centre with the vision of reaching the poorest of the poor in the community with good, trustworthy healthcare. We are very happy to say that this is currently a reality and the Health Centre has been running for 5 years now, with a growing trusted reputation for good treatment and care. The Health Centre is in the Church grounds and is next to the Prayer Centre: so any patient needing God’s healing touch and prayer goes next door to be prayed for by the prayer team. Many patients, of no or different faiths, have met with God and been healed.

Every year we include medical updating and training in our charity visits to Tanzania. You are very welcome to join us! The Tazama na Tunza Dispensary (Look and Care Health Centre) is now almost self-sustaining, as we reduce our monthly support as a charity and they increase their patient turn-over and income. God has been amazing

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